I was thrilled to be a guest on the Association Adviser podcast. Naylor CEO Christine…
Here are some readings that have resonated with me in the last several weeks. I hope you find them useful too! (They are in no particular order, and not all exactly about content strategy). If you have others, please add them in the comments.
The Eight Lessons We Learned, by Denise Law
What The Economist learned from focusing on social media and expanding its team. All apply to content strategy too!
What it Takes to Succeed as a Content Leader, by Mat Zucker in Forbes
The skills needed to lead an organization’s content efforts, since content is an ever-more-significant lever of digital transformation for organizations.
A Computer Tried (and Failed) to Write This Article, by Adrienne LaFrance in The Atlantic
An interesting look into robot-generated content.
Organize your marketing team for fewer silos and more success by Rachel Reuben in Inside Higher Ed
Written in 2015 for a higher education audience, but relevant to all digital teams in all industries.
Eight Lessons for Digital Leaders, by Tony Byrne
Lessons #6, 7, and 8 are especially relevant.
Responsive Web Design Podcast, episode 96: Texas State
Michael Edelstone and Nick Wing from Texas State describe a responsive design and CMS replatforming that treats website visitors and content editors as if they are both users of the system.
Great Websites Pass the 3-Second Rule, by Deb Louison buy clomiphene citrate tablets Lavoy in CMSWire
Does yours?
Making the Intranet Business Critical, by Kara Pernice and Gerry McGovern
To achieve success with our intranets, we must stop looking at technologies and instead must measure employee outcomes.
Do we have a content strategy in museums? Do we need one? by Conxa Rodà
While museums don’t have a strategy for their content now, they need to create strategies in order to bring their goals into line with the audiences’ needs and expectations.
Create the Right Goals for Your Website, by Carrie Hane
You have to set the right goals for your website. Otherwise, how do you know if it’s working? Your goals need to match your business goals and be measurable.
Web Content Management Glossary, by Deane Barker
193 terms defined. All of the vocab you need to know to cut through the clutter and understand your CMS.
Content Strategist Karen McGrane: ‘Content Marketing Isn’t a Strategy’ by Lorraine Chandler in CMSWire
Before organizations can effectively address personalization, they need to have a content strategy: costs and techniques to create content, evaluate its success, and reuse across web pages or channels.
Why There Should Be More Plaudits for Digital Audits, by Chris Bishop in eConsultancy
Your digital real estate is an expensive investment – you’ve got to maintain it properly to get results.
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