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“Content” is how everything an organization does is manifested in the world: its offerings (products, programs, services, information, resources, and tools), events, social media conversation, sharing, promotions, and more. It takes many forms: text, documents, social media postings, videos, audios, publications, events, etc.

But that wasn’t always the case?—?or, more precisely, organizations didn’t always understand that it was.

Back in the early days of the Internet, websites were cool add-ons to an organization’s “real” levitra work of communicating with and promoting to various audiences. In the mid-1990s, let’s face it, companies had websites because it was cool to have one. While the earliest websites were straightforward text on a gray background, pretty quickly, they became focused on flashy graphics.

Read the rest on Medium:

(I originally wrote this essay for a book looking back at the history of the internet; the book project has now been shelved.)

Comments (1)

  1. It doesn’t matter if we’re writing guides and making infographics instead of producing magazines. Modern content marketers could take a page out of these old playbooks and remember to be useful and helpful first and foremost.

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